About Me

 Hi, I'm Amber, the heart & hands behind Earth & Metal Creations. 

I can't go for a walk without marvelling at the trees, touching the moss or patting the mushrooms! I'm fascinated by gemstones, and I have a deep sense of wonder for mother nature and all her magical mysteries; Earth & Metal Creations is my expression of that wonder. 

I’ve been making jewelry in one form or another for as long as I can remember, always looking for ways to feel more connected and express my truest self. I discovered wire wrapping in 2011, eventually selling my work at artisan fairs, and in 2020 I launched my shop online. Earth & Metal Creations holds many little treasures ~ There is a strong spiritual element to my work; each piece I create is meaningful and radiates its own special energy. I like to think there's a little something for everyone ✨

Thank you so much for stopping by my shop! I hope you find something that speaks to you.

~ Amber